Energy Savings Performance Contract (ESPC) -White River Junction, VT White River Junction VAMC-White River Junction, VT

This is an ESPC project which is designed to fund itself through the savings that it generates in reduced future fuel costs. The project involves converting the White River Junction VAMC boiler plant from burning exclusively #2 fuel oil to primarily burning Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) since there is no regulated natural gas distribution in the area. Oil will remain as back up fuel.

The project will consist of constructing a CNG off loading and decompression station and laying approximately 1200lf of gas piping and conduits to the main boiler plant. CNG tank trucks will be used to supply the CNG to the boilers and eliminate the need for any storage facility. The trucks are hooked up to the decompression unit and fuels the boilers through the 1200lf line. Once the tank is emptied, it is removed and replaced with another CNG truck. A minimum of two trucks will be on site at all times. This is a tried and true technology that has been implemented by numerous hospitals.

Besides delivering significant cost savings, CNG burns much cleaner than #2 fuel oil and is better for the environment and helps reduce the carbon footprint. By providing an additional source of energy / fuel, this project also helps strengthen the infrastructure and resiliency of the facility.